Episode 328: 3 Reasons Why Your Virtual Assistant Business Isn’t Successful (Yet)

In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing 3 reasons why your Virtual Assistant business isn’t successful (yet).

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Full Episode Transcription:

Arianna Vernier: Are you struggling to get your virtual assistant business to the level that you really want or need to get it to? In this episode, I’m going to share with you three reasons why your virtual assistant business isn’t successful right now. yet. Notice how I said yet. It can get there, but you might have to tweak a few things in order to get it there. So number one, the first reason why your virtual assistant business isn’t successful yet is that you might not have a signature service that you’re known for. If you’re offering a wide variety of different services, You’re probably losing clients because if they don’t know that you’re an expert and you specialize in one specific area They might not be as likely to go with you Now if they’re just wanting a general virtual assistant to do like admin work for them and like a little bit here a little bit There whatever They might hire you, but if you want those clients who are actually going to pay you really well and stick with you and respect you and love having you and you can be they can be your client for like years to come then you need to have a signature service you do for them that grows their business that They go to you for anything they need in that service area So, for example, if you’re offering social media management, Pinterest, blogging, admin, podcast, whatever, that’s too much, and they’re not going to believe that you know exactly what you’re doing in all of those different areas.

Now, if you have one specific service you specialize in, for example, Pinterest. They know you’re the Pinterest go to. They might even be willing to come to you for blogging as well, because Pinterest and blogging are tied pretty close together. So, you could offer maybe one extra, like, bonus service that pairs well. But I wouldn’t do any more than that. You need to show that you’re an expert in one area, and you need to show that you’re an expert in one area. that you know what you’re doing and can help them grow their business in that area. Now, I understand some of us are very multi passionate, want to do a variety of different things. So you should pick a service backtrack. So if that’s you, you should pick a service that does have a lot of things under the, the main umbrella, but there’s only like one term you’re going by. So for example, If you want to help with like setting up systems and helping with launches and marketing and all those things, you could be an online business manager because they help with all of those different things under that one main service, but they’re not offering, you know, this service category in this service category, it’s all under that one umbrella. So I hope that makes sense. The second reason why your virtual assistant business isn’t successful yet is because you’re trying to work with anyone who will pay you. There’s this quote, and I wish I should probably look up who says it, but there’s this quote that says, if you speak to everyone, you’re speaking to no one.

So if your services are targeted to help literally anyone in any industry, then you’re probably losing potential clients versus if you decide, Hey, I know I want to work with business owners who are parents. Well, you can really then focus in and speak on the struggles that parent business owners might be facing. And they’re going to read that and they’re going to say, Oh, she totally understands what I’m struggling with. She can help me with this. I’m going to hire her. So it’s still pretty broad there. Like a lot of business owners are parents and that’s okay, but you’re really speaking more directly to who you would like to serve. If you want to get super specific and just work with people in the food industry, you could get even more clear. It’s up to you, but I think narrowing your niche down just a little bit is going to help serve you and land you those new clients. That’s not to say that if you, you know, only speak to people in the food industry and then somebody else who’s not in the food industry is like, Hey, I really. I’m inspired by what you’re saying you can do. I’m not in the food industry, but can you still help me? You do not have to turn them down at all, but just narrowing in and speaking to those people is going to help your message become a lot more clear on what you can do to help different people and different business owners.

All right. The third reason why your virtual assistant business is not successful yet is because you might be looking for leads in all the wrong places. Back in episode 318, I shared my top four favorite ways to find new virtual assistant clients, plus two that I don’t recommend. And those two that I don’t recommend are Fiverr and Upwork, because you have to literally pay to apply to positions, their budget’s not big enough. It’s just not a good place to be. So if you’re interested in where you should be looking for virtual assistant clients, go listen to that episode. But even outside of Fiverr and Upwork, if you’re looking for leads in, let’s say Facebook groups, where. Most of the leads that you see are posting that their budget is like way too freaking low Then you need to get yourself out of that group and go find ones Where the businesses are more established have a bigger budget and are more willing to invest because they’ve seen that investment Give them a return in their business so they know what it’s worth. So again, if you need help figuring out where to look for virtual assistant clients, go check out episode three 18. Alright, y’all, let me recap real quick the three reasons why your virtual assistant business is not successful yet. Number one, you don’t have a signature service you’re known for. Number two, you’re trying to work with anyone who will pay you. And number three, you’re looking for leads in all the wrong places. All right, y’all. I hope this episode was helpful for you. If you have any questions about it, come and drop them in our free Facebook group. That’s facebook.com/virtualassistantmama, or you can find that link in the show notes. But I would love to answer any of your questions, and I might even do a podcast episode based on your question. So go drop them there. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. And as always, we will see you next time.

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