Episode 329: 5 Steps to Get Your Work Done During Your Busy Week

In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing 5 steps to get your work done during your busy week.

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Full Episode Transcription:

Arianna Vernier: Do you struggle with getting your work done throughout your hectic, busy, crazy week? If so, if you’re anything like me, this episode is definitely going to help you because I’m going to be teaching you the 5 steps to get your work done even if your week goes crazy. So let’s just go ahead and dive on in. Step number 1 is to plan your week the best that you can. So obviously, as moms, busy wives, busy women, things are going to come up that you didn’t plan for, and that’s okay.

But you are in control of starting your week off on a good foot by planning it. So all that I’m asking you to do is to bust out a planner and plan out your week at the beginning of the week. The best that you can this doesn’t mean everything’s gonna stay exactly how you plan it on sunday It’s probably not but at least getting yourself off on that right foot Is going to help you in the long run So the first thing that you need to do in your planner is to put in all of your you know, kiddo events birthday parties date nights time with god workouts all of the things that Are your non negotiables that have to get done put those into your planner first. Now I should have mentioned this earlier. So let me backtrack if you don’t have a planner I highly recommend the Horacio planner H O R A C I O. It’s an amazing planner I prefer the vertical layout where it has like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, like across the top and then you can write everything out under each day vertically. So that makes it really easy to like write out your timestamps if you want because it doesn’t have timestamps in the planner. So it’s nice that you can like put your own timestamps and it’s just really able to be customized to exactly what you need. Okay. So once you’ve got your non-negotiables into your planner, then you have a really clear visual as to when you can work on your virtual assistant business. So then we’re going to go ahead and step into step number two, and that is determining your work plan. blocks. So once you’ve got your non-negotiables in your planner, then you can look over your calendar and see what hours you have that you’re available to work on your business. So how many hours each day do you have available to dedicate to your virtual assistant business?

It doesn’t have to be. You know, four hours at once. It could be half an hour here, 45 minutes here, an hour here. That’s okay. But just having that map for you of when you can work is really going to help you instead of trying to keep it all in your brain. Alright, then step number three is planning your work. You need to ask yourself, Okay, I’ve already mapped out what hours I can work. Now what am I actually going to do during those work hours? hours. What should you work on and how long is it going to take you to complete those tasks? So you need to look over the tasks you have, meetings, any projects you have, and figure out how many hours it’s going to take you to do all of those things. Right, and then step number four is to adjust down to the hours that you have available. So if you figured out that you have 10 hours to work, but the tasks that you want to get done are going to take you, you estimated 15, well, then you need to figure out how to get rid of five of those hours because you’re not going to have the time. Okay. So are there things you can delegate? Are there things that can wait till next week or the next month? Are there things that you really honestly don’t need to be doing and you could just delete entirely? You need to focus on the tasks that are going to build your business, grow your income and help you reach that next level that you want to reach. So focus on those tasks and then if you have extra time, you can focus on the other tasks that are not as important. All right, and then step number five is just to execute. So now you’ve got your plan written down on paper of what you’re going to do. Now it’s just time to carry out your plan. You want to work intentionally, try to stick to your planner as much as you can.

But again, if something comes up, if a kiddo is sick, you can always adjust. We as moms, we have to be able to adjust and pivot when we need to, and that’s totally okay. Your work’s going to get done. When it can, but if you try your best to stick with what you’ve planned, that’s really going to set you up for success. All right. So real quick, let me just recap those five steps for you. Number one is to plan your week to the best of your ability. Number two is to determine your work blocks. Number three is to plan your work. Number four is to adjust down to the hours you have available. And number five is to execute. I hope that this episode helped you. If you have any questions, you can go ahead and drop them in our free Facebook group. That’s at facebook.com/groups/virtualassistantmama. So come drop your questions there. I would love to answer them for you. All right, y’all. Thank you so much for listening, and we will see you next time.

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