Episode 332: The Simplest Way to Become a Virtual Assistant

In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing the simplest way for you to become a Virtual Assistant quickly.

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Have any questions for me? Feel free to send me an email at arianna@ariannavernier.com  or on Instagram @arianna.vernier! I love chatting with y’all and helping you hit the ground running. Are you ready? Let’s go.



Full Episode Transcription:

I’ve had a couple people ask me recently, what is the simplest way to become a virtual assistant? Like break it down as if you’re explaining it to a fifth grader. So in this episode, it’s going to be short and sweet to the point and tell you these three basic steps you need to do to become a virtual assistant and start making money quickly. So number one is you need to pick a profitable service. You need to pick a service that businesses are looking to outsource for, and my best tip is to make sure it’s a service that will actually help them grow their business. So a lot of people, when they jump into the virtual assistant world, they go with offering administrative services right off the bat, but that doesn’t really help a business grow to the extent that they’re going to be looking for. I guess it’ll take things off the business owner’s plate so they can focus on growing their business, but it’s not really helping the business grow exponentially. So if their budget were to get cut and they needed to look for who they were going to let go, The admin person would probably be the first person to go.
So yes, you can try starting out just to get your feet wet as an administrative virtual assistant. But I do recommend picking a profitable service to offer. So if you’re wondering what are some profitable services, there’s seriously over a hundred different services you can offer as a virtual assistant. And I break those down in my free workshop, the number one way to start working from home. So if you haven’t watched that yet, you can register for it at ariannavernier.com/free-workshop, or you can find that link in the show notes. The second simple step you need to do to become a virtual assistant Once you’ve picked your profitable service is you need to create a portfolio A portfolio is really just like a pdf document that showcases What you can do for your clients what your prices are and how they can connect with you So back in episode 69 here on the Virtual Assistant Mama Podcast. I covered the top five five most essential components for creating your portfolio as a new virtual assistant. So if you want a full breakdown on how to create your portfolio and what goes inside it I really recommend checking out that episode. But again, it’s just simple. It’s a quick few pages. You can make it on Canva, which is a free online graphic design software. They do have a paid version but the free version has everything you need. So that’s where you’ll create it. And that’s just to send to your potential clients when they’re interested to see what you have to offer. That’s what you send to them. All right, so you’ve picked your profitable service, you’ve got it showcased in your portfolio. The last thing you need to do to become a virtual assistant is to start applying to jobs.

There are many different ways that you can find virtual assistant clients. And back in episode 318, I covered my top four favorite ways to find new VA clients, as well as two ways that I do not recommend. So. If you want a deep dive on that, again, go check out episode 318 and that will help you with where you actually find clients. But again, I told you guys this was a short, sweet episode. I really want to show you that, yes, it does take a little bit of time, but you don’t need to overthink it. Just get this stuff figured out. You can always pivot later. Give yourself an hour or two to get these things done and created and start applying and you will be amazed by how quickly you can actually make money as a virtual assistant if you get these things done and get them out into the world. So number one, pick a profitable service. Number two, create a portfolio. And number three, start applying for jobs. If you have any questions, make sure you come and drop them in our free Facebook group. That’s at facebook.com/groups/virtualassistantmama. You can also find that link in the show notes. And again, if you really want help going more in depth on this, I recommend the free workshop, which again, you can find the link for. In the show notes as well. All right, y’all. Thank you so much for listening to this episode and we will see you next time.

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