Episode 337: 3 Tips for Starting Your Virtual Assistant Business While Still Working Your 9-5
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing 3 tips to help you start your Virtual Assistant business while still working your 9-5.
Are you interested in becoming a Virtual Assistant but you’re worried that you don’t have any experience?
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, we’re exploring how you can become a Virtual Assistant without any prior experience!
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Have any questions for me? Feel free to send me an email at arianna@ariannavernier.com or on Instagram @arianna.vernier! I love chatting with y’all and helping you hit the ground running. Are you ready? Let’s go.
Full Episode Transcription
[00:00:00] Hey y’all. Welcome back to the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast. I had a question recently from somebody who was wondering if they can become a virtual assistant without any prior experience. They said they’re a teacher, they’ve never done something like this, and they just wondered if it was possible so, I want to answer that question in this episode, and this is going to be short and sweet, but I think it’s going to be really powerful for y’all to take a listen to. So the beauty of becoming a virtual assistant is that it does not require another degree or certification. You don’t have to go into more debt. You don’t have to get a degree for something you’re not even sure you’re going to love. You can jump in. And just figure out what lights you up and figure out what service is going to be the thing that makes you happy.
[00:00:49] There are so many businesses out there who are willing to hire beginners. One, maybe they’re a newer business, maybe they’re like a solopreneur that just doesn’t have time to do everything they need to do in their business. And so they’re more likely to hire a beginner that they can train or that, you know, they’re willing to answer questions if you’re stuck in exchange for being able to pay you a little bit less than they would like someone who was an expert in that service. A lot of times these businesses. So, this is a way that you’re offering, but like, they, they have a system in place, and they just don’t really have the time to do it anymore, so they want to hire somebody, and they can just like teach you how to do it the way they’ve been doing it, and then you just take it over for them.
[00:01:37] So, this is very beneficial for new virtual assistants, because they will literally be a beginner. I know many many of you who are teachers listening to this podcast, we have so many skills that we can utilize in different ways. And even if you don’t have direct experience with a program they want you to work with. That’s okay. You still can figure things out. You can learn as you go. You don’t have to be like, I’m a total beginner. I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know why you want to hire me basically. Don’t do that. Just tell them like, you know, I’m new to this, but I know that I can figure it out. Is it okay if I ask you questions? And just maybe like the first few weeks we just touch base, I don’t know, once a week for 15 minutes to make sure I’m on the right track and doing what you want me to do. That is a great way to show your potential client that, while you may not know how to do everything, you are willing to figure it out, take things off their plate and take control of something they no longer feel like they have the time for. You can also consider offering work in exchange for a testimonial.
[00:02:51] That’s a great way to get some experience as a new virtual assistant. I do recommend if you do this, only do a maximum of three and I would limit it. So I wouldn’t do, you know, like 20 hours of work in exchange for a testimonial, it’d probably be like a max of three hours. But this is again a great way to start building that experience and help you feel a little bit more confident when you’re going out and looking for clients. I would still utilize a contract when you do this and just in the part where you would put like in exchange for this amount of money, it would just be in exchange for a testimonial. Right, so like I said, this episode is short and sweet, but I just wanted to show you it is absolutely possible to become a virtual assistant and land clients when you do not have any experience.
[00:03:38] There are so many businesses willing to hire you, and they just want to see that. You have the ability to figure things out, which I know that you do. So if you have any questions that you would love for me to answer here on the podcast, I would love to hear what those are. You can come into our free Facebook community. That’s facebook.com/groups/virtualassistantmama. Come in there, drop your question, and I would love to answer it here on the show. All right, y’all, I love you so much, and we will see you next time.
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing 3 tips to help you start your Virtual Assistant business while still working your 9-5.
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing how to balance your business and family life as a Virtual Assistant.
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing how to make sure your Virtual Assistant business is profitable.