Episode 337: 3 Tips for Starting Your Virtual Assistant Business While Still Working Your 9-5
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing 3 tips to help you start your Virtual Assistant business while still working your 9-5.
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, we’re exploring how to build a personal brand as a Virtual Assistant that will help you stand out among the crowd.
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Have any questions for me? Feel free to send me an email at arianna@ariannavernier.com or on Instagram @arianna.vernier! I love chatting with y’all and helping you hit the ground running. Are you ready? Let’s go.
Full Episode Transcription:
[00:00:00] Are you a virtual assistant who just wants to stand out from the crowd, set yourself apart from all the other virtual assistants and help you land clients a whole lot easier? As a virtual assistant, it is really important to build a personal brand because that shows other business owners what you can do for them, helps them connect with you on a deeper level. And allows you to target really specifically the ideal clients that you dream of working with. So, there’s a few questions you have to ask yourself when you’re building your personal brand.
[00:00:42] Number one is who do you serve? Who is your ideal client? Who would you love to work with every day? Who would you love to serve in their business? Is it businesses in the wedding industry? Is it just mom owned businesses? Is it non profits? Is it educational businesses that help kids? Who is it that you would love to work with that you truly believe in the mission of what they’re doing? Now, you don’t have to stay stuck in the super, super narrow niche, but it does help you Reach more people if you can get more specific like that so that you can speak really clearly to their pain points. And that brings me into the next question that you should be answering when you’re building your personal brand.
[00:01:33] So you want to be answering what pain points do you solve for your potential clients? What are you taking off of their plate? What are you allowing them to do that they didn’t have time to do before? Are you allowing them to spend more time with their family? Are you setting up a whole bunch of tech for them so they don’t have to pull their hair out trying to set it up themselves? Like, what are you doing that’s saving them from the hassle, saving them time, just saving them mental energy even? You want to think about, one, who your ideal client is, but two, how are you helping them? What pain points are you solving for them? The next question is, what niche of services do you offer?
[00:02:19] You can start as a general virtual assistant when you’re first starting out and trying to figure out what service you really love. You can kind of play around with a whole variety of services. But I think once you’ve been in it for a little while, it is important to niche down into one, maybe two areas. That way your potential client knows exactly what you offer. They’re not confused. They don’t have 10 million options to choose from. Like people get overwhelmed when they have too many choices. So give them, you know, one to three Mac threes and a push in it, different options of services that you can help them with.
[00:03:01] Now, once you’ve answered these three questions, then you want to find brand colors that are going to speak to your ideal client. So, if your ideal client is a mom owned business, you’re probably not going to want to use super masculine colors. If your ideal client is in the wedding industry, you might not want to use, like, super bright colors because they, I don’t know, wedding owned businesses, they tend to be more, like, very light and airy and pastel colors. So you want to use colors that are going to speak to them and connect with them. You also want to think about the language you’re using. So make sure you’re using words that your ideal clients would actually use. If they call themselves a mompreneur, you want to be using that word in the language you’re using to market to them.
[00:03:52] So you can do a little bit of market research and just post in a Facebook group and ask a question like hey, businesses in the wedding industry, what are your biggest struggles? What do you need help with in your business? And then you can use that exact language they’re commenting with, you can copy and paste those comments and then use that same language when you’re creating social media posts, emails, whatever you’re doing to find clients. So this is a really great way to just start standing out speaking to the exact person you’re wanting to work with and have them start coming to you instead of you always having to go out and find them. Now I talk more in depth about how to do this in the free workshop where I teach you the five Ps of becoming a successful and profitable virtual assistant. So you can go and register for that at ariannavernier.com/free-workshop. Get registered. Can’t wait to pour into you there. I swear it will give you so many answers on whether virtual assistants would be a good fit for you. I really think that it would be, but I want you to have a chance to see it for yourself.
[00:05:00] So go register for the workshop. That’s ariannavernier.com/free-workshop. Or you can find the link in the show notes. All right, y’all. I love you so, so much, and we will see you in the next episode.
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing 3 tips to help you start your Virtual Assistant business while still working your 9-5.
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing how to balance your business and family life as a Virtual Assistant.
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing how to make sure your Virtual Assistant business is profitable.