Episode 331: 3 Benefits of Quitting Your 9-5 and Becoming a Virtual Assistant

In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing 3 benefits of quitting your 9-5 and becoming a Virtual Assistant.

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Have any questions for me? Feel free to send me an email at arianna@ariannavernier.com  or on Instagram @arianna.vernier! I love chatting with y’all and helping you hit the ground running. Are you ready? Let’s go.



Full Episode Transcription:

Hey, hey y’all, welcome back to the virtual assistant mama podcast. In this episode, I’m going to share with you three benefits of quitting your nine to five and becoming a virtual assistant instead. Benefit number one is that you get to set your own schedule. When you’re a virtual assistant, you have tasks that you need to get done for your clients and they typically have a set due date when your clients need them done by. But you get to get that work done in any time that works best for you, as long as it’s before that due date. So you get to set your own schedule, which is so amazing because you can work around your kiddo’s schedules. Maybe if you still have another job, you can work around that schedule. Whatever you have going on, your virtual assistant business can work completely around.

You do have to be pretty good at making sure you get the work done and not procrastinating too much And that’s where a planner will really come in handy for you So if you need help with that go back and listen to Episode 329: 5 Steps to Get Your Work Done During Your Busy Week and that will help you with there All right, the second benefit of quitting your nine to five and becoming a virtual assistant is that you get to offer services that you choose. You get to pick which services sound fun to you to offer. And if you try a service and you don’t like it, you can pivot whenever you want. When I started my virtual assistant business, I thought I was going to love social media management. I started doing it for my clients and I very quickly realized it was, it was not for me. So, after a little bit, I pivoted to website design, and that’s pretty much what I’ve stuck with this whole time. So, I just share that with you to let you know that even if you pick a service that you think you’re going to really love at the beginning, and you end up not liking it, you can always change your mind.
The third benefit of quitting your 9 to 5 and becoming a virtual assistant is you get to determine what you’re paid. You get to set your prices based on your experience, based on what you need to make for your family, based on the transformation that you give your clients.

 Now, if you’re a new virtual assistant, And you don’t have a lot of experience, you’re probably going to go a little bit lower on the pricing end. I always recommend starting between 25 to 30 an hour as a new virtual assistant. But as you get more experience, every time you do work for a client, you’re getting that experience. And you can raise your prices for the next client. And then raise your prices again for the next client. And just keep going. Also, anytime you invest in a new course to better your skills, You should be raising your prices because you are giving your clients that transformation that you just learned how to do. So you get to raise your prices whenever you want, you get to set what those prices are, and I promise you there are clients out there who are willing to pay you whatever price you set as long as they see the value in the service that you’re doing for them. Alright, so let me recap real quick those three benefits of quitting your 9 to 5 and becoming a virtual assistant. Number one is you get to set your own schedule. Number two is you get to figure out what services you want to offer. And number three is you get to determine your pay. If you have any questions about any of this, come and drop them in our free Facebook group. That’s facebook.com/groups/virtualassistantmama, and I would be happy to answer them for you. All right, y’all. Thank you so much for listening to this episode and we will see you next time.

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