Episode 337: 3 Tips for Starting Your Virtual Assistant Business While Still Working Your 9-5
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing 3 tips to help you start your Virtual Assistant business while still working your 9-5.
Are you struggling with feeling burnt-out in your job, and no longer feel called to your 9-5?
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing 5 ways that becoming a Virtual Assistant will allow you to feel lit up for your job again.
Ready to jump into the world of Virtual Assistance and work from home for good? Make sure to join us in the Virtual Assistant Mama Academy before cart closes this Friday, October 6! You can learn more about the program and join us at https://virtualassistantmama.com
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Have any questions for me? Feel free to send me an email at arianna@ariannavernier.com or on Instagram @arianna.vernier! I love chatting with y’all and helping you hit the ground running. Are you ready? Let’s go.
[00:00:00] Do you struggle with feeling burnt out in your 9 to 5 and just no longer love your job. I totally understand that feeling. I was where you are 4 years ago, not happy in my teaching job, just wishing I could be home with my baby and be the present mom I always wanted to be. So… Virtual assistance was the answer for me. That’s what allowed me to overcome that burnout and be home and be present. And I know that it could do the same for you if you give it a chance. So in this episode I want to share with you five ways that becoming a virtual assistant is going to allow you to feel lit up for your job again.
[00:00:39] Number one, I think one of the biggest benefits of becoming a virtual assistant is the flexibility in your schedule. So as a virtual assistant, you get to choose your own working hours. You get to create a schedule that fits with your family’s needs. Like if your daughter or your son has a doctor’s appointment, you can totally work your schedule around that. You can just work nights after the kids are asleep, if you want to work for a few hours then, or during nap time, or if your kids are playing independently, maybe they’re a little older and they can play for an hour while you sit down and bust out some work. You can do whatever works best for you. So this flexibility means that you can give that dedicated time to your children and be present for the important moments in their lives without feeling overwhelmed and like you’re going to get in trouble and no sub plans, none of that.
[00:01:33] The next way that becoming a virtual assistant will help you overcome that burnout is that it’s got a great work life balance. So, you know, working as a virtual assistant, you’re going to be working from home, you’re not going to have that commute, you’re not going to have the time constraint like your traditional 9 to 5. So this is going to give you more time to focus on your family and on what you want to do. It’s going to reduce so much stress and burnout that you might have that’s associated with trying to juggle it all. Trying to juggle work and motherhood, leaving the house, getting the kids to daycare or school on time, all these things. You will have that time to get everything done that you want to do through what I said before, that flexible schedule. It’s also going to help reduce your stress, because being able to work from home, it’s going to eliminate a lot of the stressors that are associated with your typical 9 to 5. You can work from wherever you want. If you want to work from your couch one day, you can do that. If you want to go to a cute coffee shop, you can do that. You get to have greater control over your work environment. and minimize some of the distractions and demands and just the overwhelming feeling of being in like a physical nine to five location
[00:03:01] The next way that virtual assistance is going to help you overcome those feelings of burnout is that you get to pick what services you want to offer based on what lights you, what are your skills in, what are your interests in, even if you don’t have the skills yet, if it’s something that sounds fun to you, then pursue that. If it’s something you love, it’s going to bring you joy. That’s going to make your work feel a lot more fulfilling and less drainful. Being a virtual assistant, it also gives you that autonomy and control. You get to be your own boss. You get to set your own pay rate, select clients that align with your values and your interests, determine what workload suits your lifestyle and how you’re going to divvy that workload out throughout your week. You get total autonomy on how you want for your virtual assistant business. So this can totally reduce or at least significantly reduce that burnout that you might be feeling from like your rigid nine to five job.
[00:04:12] Also another really great benefit of virtual assistants and how it’s going to reduce the time you can take off as needed. So unlike your typical 9-5, this is a virtual assistant, you can take time off whenever you need, without asking for permission. I mean, your clients, they’re going to have specific due dates they want you to get something done by, but you’ll get to figure out when you’re going to get that done. As long as it’s done before the due date, your client’s not going to care when you’re working. So, if you need to take an afternoon off to go take your kids to the park, or they have a dance recital you want to go to, or you want to just simply go on vacation and take a week off, you can just bust out a little bit more work the week before and the week after and take that whole week off without having to worry. You can recharge. You can schedule breaks in your day. You don’t have the limitations of a fixed schedule like you do in a 9- 5. Also, one of the benefits of being a virtual assistant is that your work typically involves a very wide variety of tasks, which allows you to continually learn and develop those new skills. And that variety can help make your job more engaging, stimulating, and just helps you feel the sense of purpose. And that’s going to really help you not feel those feelings of burnout.
[00:05:37] Okay, so I know that there’s some benefits of becoming a virtual assistant that I’m missing, but let me just recap what I have for you here. I mentioned the flexibility in schedule. You could just set your own hours, work around your family’s life. You put that work life balance of just feeling like you can do it all. You have reduced stress because you’re just in an environment that makes you happy. You get to figure out what services light you up and just offer those and you don’t have to offer any services you don’t love. You get the control and the autonomy to build your virtual system business the way you want. You get to take time off whenever you want to without having to ask for permission. And you have that variety of different tasks you’re doing to just keep things new and interesting and exciting and keep you from just feeling like You’re stuck in monotony.
[00:06:35] Alright y’all, I hope you loved this episode. If you are ready to dive into the world of becoming a virtual assistant, I invite you to join us in the Virtual Assistant Mama Academy. If you are looking for support, someone to have your back, to walk hand in hand with you as you step into this world of becoming a virtual assistant, then I would love to help you with that. And I can do that in the Virtual Assistant Mama Academy. You will get all the tips, tools, training, templates, everything you need from me to be successful. You will have me there helping you whenever you hit a stumbling block, whenever you have a question, I’m there with you. Virtual Assistant Mama Academy students, they will tell you, like, they are so surprised by how quickly I answer questions.
[00:07:26] Because I don’t want you waiting, I don’t want you struggling. I want you to get what you need and be able to move forward. So check out everything that’s included at virtualassistantmama.com. Check out the I cannot, cannot wait to see y’all in the Virtual Assistant Mama Academy. I know that you can do amazing things if you just take that leap of faith, pursue it, you can do it as a side hustle for a little bit if you need to, but if you give it your all, I know that you can make this your full time thing so you can be home with your babies, have that work life balance, and all the things that you want. So again, check it out at virtualassistantmama.com, I love you so incredibly much, and we will see you in the next episode.
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing 3 tips to help you start your Virtual Assistant business while still working your 9-5.
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing how to balance your business and family life as a Virtual Assistant.
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing how to make sure your Virtual Assistant business is profitable.