Episode 337: 3 Tips for Starting Your Virtual Assistant Business While Still Working Your 9-5
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing 3 tips to help you start your Virtual Assistant business while still working your 9-5.
Do you find yourself trying to have total control over your Virtual Assistant journey, and becoming burnt-out because of it?
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing the number 1 thing you need to do when you’re tired of struggling in your Virtual Assistant business.
Also, don’t forget to register for the FREE Workshop – The Number 1 Way to Start Working from Home.
Between now and September 28, you can register for the workshop by visiting ariannavernier.com/free-workshop. This workshop will help you:
– get clarity on what services would light you up and make you excited to work on your business every day
– find out where to find paying clients to help you replace your income quickly
– learn the 5 P’s you need in order to become a successful Virtual Assistant and start working from home with your babies faster
There will be a special gift for those who register, but registration closes on September 28, so make sure to get signed up for the FREE workshop asap!
Grab your Ditch the Classroom Toolkit for only $47!
Sign up for the free Virtual Assistant Workshop, the Ditch the Classroom Toolkit, or Teacher Turned Freelancer Academy.
Have any questions for me? Feel free to send me an email at arianna@ariannavernier.com or on Instagram @arianna.vernier! I love chatting with y’all and helping you hit the ground running. Are you ready? Let’s go.
Full Episode Transcription:
[00:00:00] Y’all. Before we jump into today’s episode, which I know you’re gonna love, I wanna remind you that our free workshop is happening today, Thursday, September 28th at 6:00 PM. In this free workshop, I’m gonna be teaching you the five P’s you need to know in order to become a successful and profitable virtual assistant so you can work from home with your babies to take those treatment, family vacations, pay off that debt, all the things, even if you can’t make it live. As long as you register, you’ll get a link sent to your email with the replay, so make sure you get registered for that. You can do so at ariannavernier.com/free-workshop. Or find the link in the show notes. I can’t wait to see you there. We already have so many amazing women signed up for this, and I’m really excited to pour into y’all tonight.
[00:00:52] All right, so I recently had a student in the Virtual Assistant Mama Academy share that she was struggling to find clients in her virtual assistant business, and she was really starting to worry that she was gonna have to go back to teaching. So, As always, I shared with her some tips like following up with recent leads, even if she hasn’t heard from them in a while, finding a referral partner, all those different things. But the one main thing I asked her is, have you been giving the control to God? I know for myself and so many of my students, we struggle to let go of control. We wanna be in charge. And we just want you to know that you can do, do, do, but sometimes you just have to relinquish that control and just be, and to just know that God is going to have your back.
[00:01:41] You guys, God’s yoke is light. He just wants us to come to him to ask him for what we want, and maybe he’s not gonna give us what we want, but he is gonna give us what we need. So when I reminded my student of this, he decided to sit down in prayer and pray over her next clients. Then later that day, she did the same thing again, and this time through tears of worry, like, glad I really need a new client. I need to be able to provide financially for my family. What do I do? She was just like desperate that she prayed and she let him know, and she asked exactly what she needed. Right after she did that, she checked her email and had an email from a potential client she hadn’t heard from in a long time, saying they were ready to hire her, y’all, but God, he can do this for you. You just have to ask him. Okay. Sometimes it’s just that simple. So, I know this episode was short and sweet, but I just wanna encourage you to give up some of your control to God. Bring him into your business, into your life, into all of your choices and decisions. Ask him to guide you. Ask him to provide. He is a loving father and he. Just wants to care for us, and he just wants us to know that he is always there for us. All right. I love you guys so much and we’ll see you in the next episode.
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing 3 tips to help you start your Virtual Assistant business while still working your 9-5.
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing how to balance your business and family life as a Virtual Assistant.
In this episode of the Virtual Assistant Mama podcast, I’m sharing how to make sure your Virtual Assistant business is profitable.